Destructive vs non-destructive: Establishing an empirical relationship between impulse hammer and triaxial test - Derived rock mechanical properties

Maaruf Hussain*, Arqam Muqtadir, Abduljamiu Amao, Khalid Al-Ramadan, Lamidi Babalola

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The difficulty in obtaining a continuous rock elastic properties (REP) profile from triaxial test makes calibration of geomechanical characterization models subjective. The impulse hammer method however provides reliable, reproducible, and continuous proxy for REP dataset, allowing for rock profiling. The relationship between the REP from these two techniques is not well understood, this study employed multivariate data reduction analysis and modeling to extract relevant correlations between Impulse Hammer and Triaxial derived REP. We derived a Young's modulus proxy called reduced Young's modulus (E*) from core plug samples. The E* was acquired from each sample systematically with respect to rock heterogeneity, grain size, and macropore size. The E* was taken as an average of nine impulse hammer runs per sample on equally spaced gridded location on each sample surface. Dynamic Young's modulus (Ed) and static Young's modulus (Es) were derived from the conventional triaxial test. The geochemical analyses were carried out to capture the mineralogical variations in the selected samples. We used statistical analysis and modeling to establish empirical relationship between Impulse Hammer and Triaxial derived RMP. The results showed that, E* reliably captures the variables within the rock elastic properties. A strong correlation between the Ed, Es, and E* were observed in the samples. We also observed that E*, reveals details of several geomechanical heterogeneity and anisotropy which are not possible with traditional triaxial method. The results show that the empirical relationship between E and E* can be established to generate a continuous REP profile. Sample availability, representativeness, time, and cost are common challenges in traditional triaxial test. The Impulse Hammer method is a non-destructive technique that significantly saves time, and has a promising cost efficient workflow, which provides reliable, reproducible and continuous rock mechanical properties profile. A robust geomechanical characterization and model calibration can be performed by combining the outputs obtained from these two methods.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC)

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment


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