Integrated Communications, Localization, and Sensing in 6G and Beyond Networks

Project: Research

Project Details


The 6G systems are evolving towards the underutilized terahertz band to enable higher capacity, lower latency, and massive device connectivity. The terahertz band comes with a disruptive paradigm shift to the operation of wireless networks. For instance, the terahertz communication suffers from high losses due to the signal spreading and propagation losses. Even worse, the massive signal bandwidth (e.g., in the range of several GHz) leads to low signal power spectral densities and high sensitivity to noise. Massive antenna arrays are required for sharp beamforming to overcome the aforementioned high signal attenuation and low power spectral densities, which necessitate user localization for accurate antenna alignment. Obstacle prediction and avoidance techniques (e.g., via intelligent reflective surfaces) are required due to the high susceptibility of terahertz to blockage. On the positive side, terahertz frequencies can be utilized for integrated communications and sensing to provide environmental awareness. In addition to the conventional telecommunications services, the ubiquitous and widely deployed cellular networks can be used to offer sensing, detection, and object tracking services. The sharp beams and small wavelength of the terahertz band enable accurate Page 2 | Template for Center Internally-Funded Projects detection and tracking of small objects (e.g., flying drones), which become a pressing safety and security need with the proliferations of drone-based applications. The main objective of this project is to explore and validate the mathematical techniques used to model and design 6G and beyond systems that offer reliable and integrated communications, localization, sensing, detection, and tracking services. The developed mathematical models will be then used to assess the performance, and offer design insights, for 6G and beyond systems.
Effective start/end date15/03/221/01/23


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