A multi-objective optimization model for integrating operation and maintenance planning decisions for downstream oil and gas supply chain

Project: Research

Project Details


Hydro-Carbone Supply Chains (HCSC) are large and complex network that extend from oil and gas fields, connected to oil sweetening plants and gas plants that supply their products to refineries or fractionation plants for further processing. Then the petroleum products are supplied through a distribution system to demand centres. Integrating operation planning and maintenance scheduling activities of entities along this long and complex network is an important area because Hydro-Carbone industry is one of the most influential sectors in the world economy, and any disruption or variation in Hydrocarbon products supply will affect the whole world economy. Moreover, operation planning and maintenance are two integrated activities. Long periods of operations without maintenance lead to equipment breakdown and plant deterioration. However, effective maintenance will provide capacity for production. Therefore, production planning and maintenance scheduling activities must be optimized in an integrated manner. Several studies were conducted on optimizing HCSC under the assumption of entities availability with full capacity during planning time horizon, yet this assumption is inappropriate in real production situations. In real world, capacity of production facilities will be reduced due to failures or periodic maintenance. Thus, operation and maintenance planning activities are crucial. Although, the integration of operation and maintenance planning activities have been tackled in a scope of single entity in different areas and applications such as manufacturing plants. In the scope of supply chain such as oil and gas, it has not been tackled. Based on this nature, a tactical operation planning models need to be more realistic and should consider maintenance tasks. Therefore, there is a need to develop a model that integrates operation and maintenance in HCSC environment. The purpose of this project is to develop an integrated multi-objective model for operation and maintenance planning of the downstream segment of the HCSC including oil and gas networks in an integrated manner. The proposed model is expected to determine optimal tactical operation plans and maintenance scheduling decisions while achieving two relevant objectives. These objectives are maximizing profit and service level. The utility of the proposed model will be demonstrated using a pilot case from Saudi Arabian HCSC. A valuable and practical sensitivity analysis will be conducted to study the effect of key parameters on the obtained results and some managerial insights will be derived. The proposed outcomes of the project are expected to well be aligned with different themes, objectives and commitments of the 2030 vision of the Kingdom. The project will be carried out in four phases over a period of 12 months.
Effective start/end date1/05/191/04/20


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